Thursday, May 24, 2012

Another Saturday, another race.

The neighborhood where we live is an unfinished housing development. It is a closed development, with very little traffic. Even less traffic than there could be because half of the lots are vacant. It is a great place for kids to ride bikes, use rollerblades, and it is very much like having our own personal track.
One time around the neighborhood is a little over half a mile. Since the weather has warmed up the kids have been running. 
So far they have participated in the High School Track Fund Raiser 2k (all of them ran), the Elementary School 1.5 mile Fun Run (all of them ran) and the Wildlands Firefighters Memorial Run (Jan and Alec ran the 5k, Anne and Pati ran the kids run). While running around the neighborhood at quite a slow pace, they told me that it was just alot more fun to run races than it was to train for them. So they train at a slow pace and then run fast during races! 
The picture above is after the Firefighter Memorial Race - David wasn't on call, but I think that you have to  leave town to really not be on call. He got to run in the race without having to talk on the phone and he beat both Jan and Alec :)
We have a race coming up Memorial Day, and get to run it with our Engen cousins, which everyone is pretty excited about.

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