Thursday, January 31, 2008


We have just made it through a week of some sort of stomach virus, some one up every night feeling miserable and making a mess from one end or the other. The laundry is nearly caught up for today and the kids and I are just enjoying how good it feels to not be sick. Pati has some teeth coming in so it might be awhile before she stops being a little on the cranky side. Tonight is David's last night of call this week and then he gets this weekend off. We are planning to really enjoy it since this will be the first weekend since the beginning of December that he has had off where someone hasn't been sick. He also took his yearly exam last weekend so he doesn't have to be studying in his "free" time for the first time in months.

When we moved into this house a pool table came with it. I think that the man who lived here before made it and he left it here along with all of the extras that go with a pool table (balls, cues, chalk, racks and pool table light). For a year and a half now the kids have had fun going to the basement to play pool - but it took up alot of room, pool balls are dangerous when thrown, cues are nearly equally as dangerous when wielded as a lance or spear, especially when someone is standing on the pool table, and the blue square chalks are toxic choking hazards. We found someone who wanted to buy it. Jan and Alec spent an afternoon watching and chatting with the couple who were trying to figure out how to get the table out of the basement without killing themselves (they did it!) and we now have a place to run and play in the basement. This has been a great thing for all of us since we just can't be outside very much.

The other change of note this month has been Anne Pilar doing away with diapers and using the toilet like a big girl. I just heard her run into the bathroom muttering "gotta go potty....hurry quick...don't go yet...wait wait...OK...I have dry pants Mom...I AM WONDERFUL...I have potty in the toilet... I am so proud of you...I am so impressed..." I love how she praises and affirms herself when there is no one else available to do it. She makes it without accidents a little more than half of the time, and I am proud of her and tell her I am impressed.

The kids Bible memory project right now is I Corinthians 13. It has been a good one for them and for me. Sometimes patience and kindness are in short supply here and it is good to be accountable to each other because of what we are all memorizing together. It has also sparked alot of interest in Saul/Paul and who he was and what he did which is something I didn't expect.

Alec and Jan wanted to know this week if we are rich. I said yes. They said, "What does it mean to be rich?" I said that to be rich meant that you had more than you need and then they agreed "Yeah, we ARE rich."


rpkkj said...

Everyone is getting soooo big! Just a note to say I enjoy reading your blog! Here's a little quote I found amusing... "There never was a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him asleep.
Ralph Waldo Emerson"

Nate and Robyn Copper said...

WOW, potty training and doing well already. I think we are light years away from helping Andi in that area. She's somewhat motivated...

Looking foreword to seeing you all soon. We are keeping the tickets as planned for the kids and I.