Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hiking Spree

We missed it last year but found out what all the signs for "Fall Hiking Spree" mean in time to complete it this year. Every year the Metro Parks here in our county put out a list of hikes. If you hike eight of those on the list you earn a hiking stick and the current years spree badge. After you earn your stick each year you finish the hikes in the months September-November you earn a new spree badge. The old-timers around here hike in the fall with their hiking sticks sporting 10 to 20 badges. Now we know what they mean and both Jan and Alec are impressed when they see them. I am sure that they have visions of showing off their own sticks plastered with badges someday, but for now they are proud as can be to hike with their sticks and the single white badge that they earned. All six of us earned hiking sticks and hope to use them for several more hikes this fall before the snow starts to fly here. Jan and Alec hiked every mile on their own. Anne didn't. But she is working on it and next year she will probably make it without help. Since Pati isn't quite walking it might be a couple years before she can keep up.

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